The financial transactions block is extremely important for users because without money they will not be able to place a bet at SkyCrown casino. These operations need to be divided into methods of making deposits and methods of withdrawing funds. In total, players at the SkyCrown online casino have access to 23 different methods for carrying out such operations. Among them are:
- bank cards;
- electronic wallets;
- cryptocurrency wallets.
SkyCrown deposit with bank cards is made mainly by users who do not like other methods of operation. This is a working option for operations, but it has several significant disadvantages. Most often, these are the duration of operations and stricter requirements for the bank’s security service. If the operation falls under financial monitoring, you can wait more than 2 weeks for funds to be credited. Through bank cards, you can spend no more than 6500 AUD and no less than 30 AUD.
Today, most users on Sky Crown work through e-wallets. With their help, transactions are carried out much faster, enrollment is instantaneous and without any commissions. Players most often use the Skill and Neteller systems. However, the limits for transactions on many electronic wallets are identical to those for bank transactions.
Therefore, more and more players are striving to use crypto wallets for financial transactions. This resource works with popular cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc.). Operations are carried out almost instantly, there are no upper limits for operations.